One hell of an artifice
One hell of an artifice

One hell of an artifice

How did we appreciate the singers, the drummers, the bass players… in short all the big and small bands that rocked our childhood and our adolescence? By the quality of their voice, of their music, the power which was released, even of the softest voice. We called them « Stars » because like the stars, they all floated in the artistic cosmos. Some stars shone longer, more intensely than others, but all were authentic.

They formed the pantheon of our youth and some of them still shine like the Rolling Stones. In the century of murderous debauchery that ended with a cold war, conflicts and famines in the four corners of the world, migrants already embarked on frail skiffs drifted from Asia under the haggard gaze of our childhood, secularism had gained its letters of nobility, the question of faith had found new roads, the goddesses and gods were often actresses or singers, icons dead too soon or still very much alive, STARS

What characterized them was the truth that animated them. Their voice was natural, their playing, piano, bass, violin was the result of hard work to give what they thought was the best. Just like their body which flew in classical or modern ballets.

Today, dance is done with strings, culture with 3D software, singing with Auto Tune, cinema with green screen. How to imagine the duel between Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda in « C’era una volta il West » on a green screen? Can we imagine such palpable tension? I doubt it, no matter how talented the actor is. As we move away from ourselves through the artificial, it would seem that what is sacred in us fades away in favor of an illusory representation of an inaccessible reality. And concomitantly the need of sacred is felt, I do not speak here about religious and the possible drifts in which this subject does not wish to sink.

Left by what unites us, since the depth of the thing does not exist, only the narcissistic reflection guides us on the way of a hypothetical sacred, brought back simultaneously to ourselves and the idea that we make of ourselves, two often disjointed and often irreconcilable realities, the one being the manifestation of the deliberate escape of the first.

Why these multiple evocations, from songs to sculptures, from green backgrounds to artifacts of the sensitive?

The answer lies, it seems to me, in the fact that the advance towards the extraction of ourselves is too advanced for any other verb to be used, so the answer lies in the purpose. And ChatGPT only confirms it in a simulacrum of answer, certainly seductive but totally empty of a reflection on the very essence of humanity, and more generally of (animated) life.

In the universe that concerns us, that of creation and NFTs, this concerns NFTs and Art.
The smartcontract proposed within the framework of an NFT was supposed to guarantee the originality of a work and the inviolability of the information which constitutes it while supporting a traceability of its evolution (owners, value, right of continuation for the artist, etc). What is it? Nothing, just like works of art, NFTs have become tools of speculation registered on the Wall of Fame of the owner of the most expensive NFT.

One of the possible voices would be to immerse oneself in the virtual reality that we generate by reading and that produces reflection rather than consumption. Rediscovering Shakespeare, Lao Tzu, Tagore, Paul Valery, Ernst Junger, Camus, Buzzati, Malaparte, Kostas Papaioannou, Nietzsche, Plato, Girard………… Aren’t these the books we burn and the thinkers we execute on nights of terror?

One of the main issues that we could consider undertaking would perhaps be to question, to take a step back, to investigate what is proposed to us. The acceleration of the evolution of technologies and techniques renders us powerless to embrace their power unless we really confront them, powerfully, with conviction and open-mindedness, in order to seek out what is most sacred in them, for humanity and life, more globally.

To do this, we must take the trouble to distance ourselves sufficiently from the entertainment industry and its creative leisure. Free time today is based on the need to fill the space it offers with creative activities, shopping, entertainment… in short, entertainment, which distracts us from ourselves. Let us have the courage to devote this time to investigating what the world offers us in order to trace the path towards an encounter with what is deepest in us, humanity and its sacredness. The stakes are immense and the will of today is still too weak for the battle of cognition to be won.

According to ChatGPT

What remains sacred when we go through everything artificial in our daily life, from photographic filters to applications like you?

« As an artificial language model, I am aware that many technological innovations have changed our way of life and our perception of the world. However, I believe that some elements remain sacred and important to us as human beings.
Nature, for example, is something that is often considered sacred and can remind us of our place in the world. Human relationships, family, friends, and communities are also aspects of our lives that can be considered sacred. Values such as kindness, compassion, and empathy are also sacred concepts for many cultures.
Art, in all its forms, can also be considered sacred. Music, dance, painting, literature, theater, and other forms of artistic expression can touch the human soul deeply and allow us to see the world in a new way.
Although photographic filters and applications like me may seem artificial, they can also be used to express creativity and explore new ways of seeing the world. Ultimately, what is sacred depends on each of us and our personal beliefs and values. »

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